
Showing posts with the label Clickbank

4 Mistakes of Affiliates

Affiliation is a very powerful tool to earn money from Home working some hours on Internet. 90% of computer users are affiliates and 70% are failed to earn money from internet, because every second affiliate wants magic only Abra-Cord-Abra... and everything is fixed as per his desire. It is just only phenomena and idealism... I want to introduce myself as may be I could be the example for other, because I have start my journey of  Internet Marketing with zero balance  in my Pay-pal account. I was newbie and surfing ads at my start (2009) to earn pennies, the thirst of earning dig me in the some advance income methods on internet like affiliation, Trading, E-commerce etc. I Like affiliation and develop a web site for promoting my affiliate links, I used my paid to clicks site received balance to book a domain and web hosting, I never ever spend even a penny from my pocket in my 7 years tenure of Internet marketing. Affiliation now become profession and success


70% of online peoples are affiliates.  But 99% fails to Earn and leave empty Handed. Let give me few seconds to introduce my self. Few words before introduction. Try again and again I was a PTC surfer having time to click ads to earn pennies, while searching pay to click i found Click bank , by the name of that site i have suppose it must be good site to get more money by clicking more ads, So I sign up and found nothing that is required then found what is Click-bank . OMG i come to know it is a marketplace for digital products with thousand of vendors and affiliates, It gives me more thirst to earn more money. Now the time to get my own website, firstly i  learn how to become affiliate with click bank . Now i know about how to catch my buyers to buy maximum products. A good respectable mentor teach me a lot about affiliate marketing , How to book my own domain, how to get web hosting, how to select a niche to promote. Here I hav