
Showing posts from April, 2016

Get paid hundreds for your voice (Everyone's doing it...)

This book was a godsend, really. I was introduced to VOGenesis by my friend Vanessa, who had gotten retrenched together with me recently. It was a horrible period for me. I'd wanted to quit my desk job for years, but never really had the gumption to do so because I didn't have any backup plans, nor enough savings to tide me over for a period of unemployment. In the end the retrenchment came as a complete shock to me as I had been an employee there for years; same goes for Vanessa! I felt hurt and rejected — useless, even. Even though I dutifully sent out my resume to numerous companies in my field, my heart wasn't really in it. Perhaps it was evident in my cover letter because not a single suitable company responded to my emails. I began to spiral into despair at the thought of getting stuck in yet another dead-end desk job, yet I couldn't stop applying for exactly the same job because that was the only kind of job I knew. But things began to tur

Learn to Make $500 to $25,000 Monthly

Google & Clickbank  Using a Simple  System Which I Will Set Up For You   Today on a 7 Day Test Trial! No games, tricks, or schemes,  I will show you how I make an  excellent monthly income  on the internet with the help of  Google and Clickbank . I've decided to reveal an  Amazing Secret  that is making me thousands of dollars on the internet every month with  Google and Clickbank !   I am not pulling your leg!  I am physically going to show you how I receive anywhere from  $500 to $25,000 in checks  month after month from  Google and Clickbank ! I am going to show you a program that   Google and Clickbank  has  opened to the public  that is making a great amount of people on going monthly cash within 1-3 months from a system I have Mastered!   If you are not already familiar with the  Google   Adsense  and Clickbank Program  or you're aware of it but just don't know how to really profit from it then you have just landed at the right website where